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Product Features

Likwidity integrates several additional features to streamline processes, such as managing multiple portfolios, creating a personalized banking panel with designated relationship managers, automating interest calculations and maturity processes, aggregating transactions, providing complete visibility, and maintaining comprehensive audit trails.


With extensive experience in developing and operating financial and treasury software, we recognized that the process for organizations to do price discovery and management of short-term cash was needed, the solution Likwidity!


Deposit Workflow Automation

Fully automated workflow from deal initiation through to maturities and reporting. Provides standardization.


Multi Bank and Currency

Transact with all your banking panel from 1-app and in multiple currencies for Cash deposits


Featured Dashboard

Consolidated view of business units and deposits across all banks and currencies.

Report on funds by bank, credit rating.

Product Types

Catering for most standard deposit products including Fixed/ Time Deposits, Certificate of Deposits

SaaS or PaaS

Available for SaaS or In-House own labelled PaaS. Fast Deployment


Ability to do automated pooling (aggregation) of transactions. Suitable for group companies

Risk Management

Managing counterparty (bank) concentraton risk

Ensuring bank limits are adhered to

That maturity dates are actioned



Funds are optimally deployed, ensuring visibility over processes and better utilisation of working capital

How it Works

Meet Likwidity's solution for efficient deposit management

Eliminate manual processes and spreadsheet management. Automated workflow and notifications. 

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